Appliance Diagnosis

Appliance Diagnosis

How much energy does your refrigerator use? Did you know a second refrigerator may cost an extra $150 per year? Send us an image of the nameplate of your refrigerator, air conditioner, or furnace and we’ll let you know how much energy it uses per year. If it uses more energy than it should, we’ll share some advice. Many utilities provide rebates to replace old appliances and the energy savings often pay for the cost of the new appliance.

About Lumin

Lumin was created in 2014 through a partnership of the Delta Institute, IDEO, ISEIF, Faith in Place, and Atomic Object as a project, DeltaLumin, to educate low and moderate income consumers about the Illinois smart grid. The project quickly grew into the product we call Lumin. We are looking forward to a launch in 2019 in Illinois and beyond.

35 East Wacker Drive
Suite 1200
Chicago, Illinois 60601
(312) 651-4365

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